Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I am not much of a reader. I have never really been one to sit down and read a novel for fun. In fact I don't even think I made it all the way through the first Harry Potter book... thank goodness they made them into movies. I do, however, love reading magazines and newspapers. One of my favorites is Outside magazine and now that I live in Chile a new favorite is la revista Outdoors, the Chilean equivalent of Outside.

But truthfully, I don't want to just sit on the couch or lay in bed and read about other people doing cool things in these magazines, I want to BE the person doing those cool things. I have always told friends, "just wait, one of these days it will be me, it will be the things I am doing, that people will be reading about." Some believe me, some don't, but it doesn't really matter much. I believe in myself.

In the June issue of Outdoors Revista there is an article about the horse packing trip and accompanying an wonderful article written by Pancho Vio are a few of my photos. The fist of hopefully many successes.

I am not going to stop doing what I love nor am I going to start to do things in an attempt to rack up more publications. I have never been one for resume building. I consider this a success because these 'cool things', like working with the Guide School, backpacking, and exploring Patagonia, make me happy. I think in the end being genuine shows through. Having something I was a part of out there for people to read, to entertain them, to educate them, and to hopefully inspire them to get off their couch or out of their bed and go DO something they love... that is a pretty awesome thought.

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